
Woman Gets Roasted for Asking Why 250-Pound-Plus People Can’t Ride Horses

“Horseback riding is a fatphobic industry,” the title card at the beginning of her video reads.

As anyone who is or has been plus-sized can tell you, there are just some parts of this world that just aren’t designed for plus-sized people.

Some of this is a result of design choices made by other people. For example, I am *not* plus-sized and still feel uncomfortable in airplane seats, so I can only imagine how my plus-sized brethren feel.

However, there are some things that can’t be attributed to humans being cost-cutting machines. One of those things is horseback riding, where many ranches will limit a rider’s weight to between 200 and 250 pounds.

The reason for this, as a simple Google search will tell you, is for the long-term safety and comfort of the horse. However, this woman isn’t buying it, taking to TikTok to call out the sport for not being inclusive of plus-sized people — and being roundly mocked by actual equestrians in the process.

In total fairness to OP, she’s owned up to some of the criticism in a follow-up video, though she still takes some time to call out the haters who were, in her view, rude to her. At least she’s learning and growing.

@alyssagoldwater And if you’re coming to the comments to tell me I should just lose weight or stop complaining about something I **can change**, I hope you slip and fall in a pile of manure today. #horsebackriding #sizeinclusive #sizeinclusivity #fatphobia #everybodyisagoodbody #ditchdietculture #antidietculture #trailriding #plussizeadvocate #plussizetiktok ♬ original sound - Alyssa Goldwater
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